About DO

Thanks for being curious about Dropoff. As a career brand marketer, a passion for launching my own brand grew in me over the years. For a time I wasn't clear on what exactly that would look like. That was, until I became a Mom.

For the last couple of years as a Mom of young kids I benefited from the flexibility brought on by remote work. Regardless of being seen on Zoom only from the waist up I felt compelled to "dress up" if only for the shift in my psyche, getting me in a certain head space for back-to-back meetings. I felt better about myself on the days I put on the outfit that transported me to another place. An outfit that could take me out to lunch to breakup the day, or to pickup the kids amongst other parents. 

The insight for Dropoff was born in those small moments. School "drop-off" became a metaphor for any small moment where we have an opportunity to make a big (positive) impression, sometimes simply by looking pulled together.

It's not always easy to look good in a rush. And so the seed of Dropoff was planted: I would offer women the chance to look good in a hurry, with basic clothing that isn't boring (read: elevated basics) and that can transition with you through your day -- through the many hats we wear as woman, mom, wife, coach, and friend, just to name a few. 

And aren't there just so many hats to wear? It's frustrating and near impossible to live up to such incredibly high expectations. My aim is to flip that frustration on its head and build community through instead celebrating all that we DO, while looking and feeling good about ourselves. To shine a bright light on our capacity to take on so much, and with so much grace.

Please join me in the celebration. And DO all that you do with love.